Photo of Aimée. Art by Tulsan Chris Mantle.
Welcome to my blog page where I publish creative nonfiction, short stories, humor, feminism/women's issues, and more.
-English with a creative writing emphasis and Art History minor, University of Oklahoma, 2003
-English with creatives studies emphasis, University of Central Oklahoma, 2006
-Founded Age of Empathy Creative Nonfiction Publication in July of 2020
-Published in Literary Impulse Hiareth curated collection -Puterbaugh Fellow
-Sigma Tau Delta -Poet published in Mid-West Poetry Review, WLT11, The Rectangle, and more
-Working through family trauma with my family as I complete my first book-a memoir
-Over 4 decades of life work on the spiritual/metaphysical level -Chronic pain/Invisible Pain Warrior
-Dog person
Work inquiries:
Let's keep growing together in love and laughter, Aimée