Tomorrow I’ll Try Again
Rant poem with commentary
I’m tired, uninspired
Don’t wanna work a 9–5
wanna be a freelance
genius rolling in cash —
a real philanthropist.
Need to finish
my memoir
but just want
to go
back to bed
pull the covers
over my head.
I’m hungry
but nothing’s
feeding my soul
in the way I crave.
My Netflix bingeing
has been going on for days.
With a series finale
around the corner
I’ll be feeling lonelier.
My bones and joints
scream and ache.
I know this phase
is not permanent —
I’m playing tug of war
with myself —
rise and shine
or in bed to recline.
Today the bedroom wins.
Tomorrow I’ll try again.
Author Commentary
This poem was teased out of a Facebook reply on a weekly “Rant Thread.” It felt good to type out my state of depression with a little sing-song lilt — and was well-received within the group.
What do you do when you’re feeling tired and uninspired? Do you make yourself get up and move around or let the inertia take over? I try to let myself do both things. When I find I’m going too fast or too slow, I know it’s time to change gears — not always easy — but knowing is half the battle.
As the season in the United States shifts from winter to spring, I feel the usual urge to begin creating again, after not feeling particularly compelled to create during the cold months of January and February. It feels good for my muse to reemerge — and to know she needs her rest.
This week, besides bingeing Netflix, I did laundry, made the bed, took the kids to and from school for the first time since March 2020, and caught up on laundry. I wrote a bit, too.
Sweet relief.
Thank you for reading. Here’s a lyric essay about the experience of writing my memoir: